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Blog ini ikut kontes Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner

31 Juli 2009

Free+Gampang-1 Dollar Per Ref

31 Juli 2009

FREE | 1 dollar per ref

langsung aja ya pren, gak usah pake basa basi, soalnya gampang banget :)

1$ per ref | $1 per sign up


1. daftar lewat sini

2. masukkan nama pren dan email address punya pren (emailnya hrs valid loh)

3. klik download now

4. silahkan cek email punya pren, ikuti perintah yang ada di email itu, biasanya sih disuruh aktivasi

5. kalo sudah, nanti ada link buat download product gratis dari yg punya tuh situs silahkan download, ga usah takut BW killer nyampe 5 mb jg gak :p

6. gabung jadi affiliate , simple sudah dijelaskan cara2nya di webnya

7. kalo sudah gabung jd affiliate, ntar dapat link khusus, nah link itu yg harus sobat promosikan. setiap me-refer 1 org, pren dapat 1 dollar

Kenapa harus daftar sekarang?
- tuh org 'katanya' mau bagi2 $100,000 (seratus ribu) duitnya lewat program affiliate...mumpung uangnya doi masih ada, knp kita gak ikutan gabung aja ? toh gampang tinggal nawari org lain
- biasanya ini limited offer, jd sebelum habis mnding gabung skrg

Kenapa harus daftar dari link ini ?
- kita sesama blogger lebih baik saling membantu
- saya bakal ngasih 1 bonus ebook bagi juragan yg daftar dr saya.. ebooknya ttg Angela Backlink , yg berisi bagaimana cr dapat link dr PR 5 keatas ebooknya cocok utk pren yg mau ndalami SEO n main adsense
- ane pingin cari duit buat makan . mklum anak kuliah di perantauan T_T

Payment Proof?
- belum ada ini jg situs baru makanya pren bantu ane ntar kalo udah payment ane post disini

Beneran kah? Legit kah ini?
- Insya Allah beneran bro :) ini yg namanya trik marketing , jd si yg punya web ingin mengembangkan Opt-In listnya pake metode ini

Cara dapat duitnya?
bro promosi link ref sebanyak2nya aja :D bisa lewat blog, forum, dll apa aja dah

silahkan komen di blog saya kalo sobat udah daftar dr link diatas buat dapat bonus ebooknya .. kalo ada yg bingung, silahkan komen aja bro

Tanggung amat bay! Lanjut dong....

15 Juli 2009

Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner

15 Juli 2009

Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner pic
Setelah lama tidak mengurus blog ini, sekarang bayi mengikuti kontes SEO "Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner". Kenapa namanya seperti itu? Ya karena lomba kali ini diadakan oleh blogger Riau atas penghormatan kepada Bapak HM Rusli Zainal. Siapa dia? Beliau adalah Gubernur Riau 2009-2011.

Gubernur ini dijuluki sebagai Sang Visioner karena memiliki visi-visi yang sangat bagus, dan cara pemikirannya yang maju untuk perkembangan kemajuan Riau. Beliau merupakan orang yang luar biasa dan banyak mendapatkan penghargaan, tidak salah lah kalau disebut sebagai Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner. Penghargaan-penghargaan yang didapat pasti dari hasil kerja kerasnya demi membangun Propinsi Riau, terutama dalam bidang pembangunan.

Dari kerja keras itulah, Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner dinobatkan sebagai Miss Universe 2010 tokoh untuk lomba SEO ini. Hehe. Dan sayapun mengambil kesempatan untuk ikut serta dalam kontes ini. Siapa tau garis tangan saya lagi mujur

Oh iya, bagi yang ingin tahu detail kontes ini, silahkan aja searching di Google dengan kata Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner, sekalian doain ya blog ini masuk ke 10 besar SERP . Mudah-mudahan kontes SEO ini bermanfaat bagi semua pihak, baik penyelenggara, peserta, maupun Bang Rusli Zainal sendiri.

P.S: Kalau ada yang mau ngelink ke "Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner", silahkan. Bahkan bayi sangat berterima kasih, lho. Hihi. Salam hangat buat Sang Visioner, dari bayi ajaib

Tanggung amat bay! Lanjut dong....

13 Juli 2009

American Heritage Data Corporation

13 Juli 2009

Direct marketing is a sub-discipline and type of marketing. There are two basic definitions of features that distinguish it from other types of marketing. First, it tries to send its messages directly to consumers without the use of intermediate media like direct mail, electronic mail, telemarketing, mail, and mailing leads.

The American Heritage Data Corporation ( provides quality listings, marketing list, and a list of direct marketing solutions for businesses of any size. They are widely recognized as one of the fastest growing companies in the list of countries. With more than 13 million active U.S. companies in business database list, you can count on the American Heritage data to provide you with the best list for your campaign. American Business Heritage List Database contains almost every company, from small businesses to corporate giants. American Heritage Property Mortgage List of databases or the mortgage mailing list is a list of the largest and most comprehensive in the country. American heritage of experience in the mortgage data continuously provides clients with the edge of a legacy for the American ability to provide the most effective for their campaigns.

Tanggung amat bay! Lanjut dong....

Thoughts about running successful SEO campaign

More often than not, the important aspects of search engine optimization campaign have been ignored, leading to an unsuccessful SEO project. Before you start your SEO project, you need to know basis.

--- --- Business goals

The road begins with the first step. However, do not forget that you must know where you're going even before you first step. In SEO parlance, this means that you need to know why SEO is currently on the initiative and what results you are trying to achieve through it.

There are many reasons that could cause the site owner to do SEO on their sites. It may be that it wants more subscribers to its service. It may also be that the products it sells and wants to increase its sales volume. Your site is currently used only as an advertising medium enterprises in the autonomous mode, the main object is to increase the traffic itself.

After defining the main objectives of SEO, you can proceed much more confidently and be able to initiate appropriate steps towards this goal.

Draft Dates --- ---

Obviously, you have to know how much you have to institute changes and see results. Your client pays for the results you need to know how short or long periods, you have to show results.

--- Know the budget ---

Definition of the budget is important for any project. In the case of planning SEO campaign, you need to know how much your client is willing to pay for his SEO campaign, so you can plan your moves accordingly. After all, some SEO techniques are more expensive than others.

Responsibility Allotment --- ---

It is important to know who is / are responsible for the project. In particular, you should know who will do and if you need to transfer some of your needs SEO.

It is important to know whom you need to make to the success of SEO campaign so that you can immediately purchase the necessary staff. This will prevent delays in the schedules and other problems.

Once you've settled all the above crucial preparatory issues, you can conduct a campaign of search engine optimization. Here are some steps you should follow for a successful SEO campaign.

--- Lee retrieval system is compatible with the site ---

It is necessary to search for compatibility review. This involves comparing the codes site you optimize the standards set out in search engines. This step is important, because if you want your clients website booze that series, the search engine should be able to read your client site.

Analysis of the site with the search engines will require a technical review of site codes, tags, file extensions, etc. From your analysis of the results, you can find out what design elements need to make some changes to the site compatible with search engines.

--- Consolidate what you have to do the project ---

Once you've reviewed the site compatible with your target search engine, you nee to institute changes that will make a site search engine friendly as possible. You may have to make changes to the site script.

You can change the site code from HTML to Javascript. You may also need to change the file extensions used in the content and page elements. You may also need to review the site design. There are many more changes can be made on the site. Just remember that all these changes are intended to maximize the optimization of all of the site.

--- To make SEO more ---

You should also determine the small details that will achieve their goals of optimization. You must create the most logical keywords that can be used on the site. This will include checking in the competition for keywords, try out keyword variations and such. At this point, you will also determine which search engine you are going to present at the site so that you can specify your optimization plan yet. By the way, do not forget to look at what the site sells itself, or that the website is intended to fulfill.

Tanggung amat bay! Lanjut dong....

01 Juli 2009

Webimax Is Great for Online Campaign

01 Juli 2009

These days, many company or personal who have product, going to promote their product not just in offline, but also online. Many people start their own strategy to gain money from sales of their product, or from pay per click advertising which is popular now. But doing this is not an easy job. You must know how the system works, or I say you must compete with the other internet marketer. Some of them may be called 'gurus'. So how can you get a success if you can't 'beat' those 'gurus'?

Of course, I always searching something new in this online marketing, and I found something interesting. It is called webimax. Looking to their 'About Us" page, 'WebiMax delivers innovative online marketing, e-commerce, web development and database driven solutions for our clients through the aid of our proprietary technology and industry experience.' As far as I know, webimax offer great services to help you doing online marketing. They have free online marketing analysis for online marketer. If you are new in SEO world, you can use their services since it is the #2 rated SEO firm by

So, if you have company or you have product to be promote online, you can go to this site and you won't regret it.

Tanggung amat bay! Lanjut dong....

Powerful 7 ways to make money with Adsense, using only free tools

There is really no doubt that there are amazing incomes currently Google Adsense and the really interesting thing is that even relatively small sites and blogs are finding new ways to make money from their Adsense sites every day.

Actually There is a lot more creative to make money and increase profits from Adsense, who discovered and created for use on a daily basis. And even more exciting is the fact that most of these funds should not be used to do nothing. They are actually free. Here are 7 of the most effective currently being used.

a) ways to earn money with Adsense, by distributing articles through ezine and article announcement lists

Some of the most effective methods ways to make money from Adsense clicks involve the simple step a simple increase in targeted traffic to your site. One way to achieve this is to disseminate interesting content ezine lists and article announcement lists. This is not too difficult to quickly build a list, which is one million or so mailboxes and thus can provide a lot of visibility and drives tons of highly targetd traffic your Adsense site or sites. Probably the most popular place for this is that Yahoo groups, but there are several others that can be easily found by using your favorite search engine.

Success here depends on three main factors. First, you must be careful to join article announcement lists and ezine lists that are most relevant to your questions and suggestions. Secondly your headline should be a killer headline that will grab the reader in the scruffs of their necks and force them to open communication among the tens or even hundreds of others they receive daily. It goes without saying that the content must comply with the promise of your sensational headline. Anything less will cause annoyance and leave all those potential visitors to your Adsense site feeling of cheated. And believe me, you do not want to cause this reaction because it is certainly not one of the ways to earn money from Adsense or any other program on this issue. Third, you need a kind of resource box in all your articles that will leave most of your readers, no option but to visit your site Adsense.

In a very short consistently applying this technique, my daily Adsense earnings increased seven times.

b) how to make money from Adsense by distributing free articles to high traffic article site
Some people find the recent trends that have seen an increase in article sites surprising. I do not. The net is primarily information-search tool. All that will improve the quality and retrieval of information is very helpful for people to make these efforts.

Some older article directories receive very high traffic, mainly from webmasters and site owners seeking quality free content for their sites. Thus, in addition to the immediate impact of these sites also offer a lot of future targeted traffic to your site, when people find your articles useful to re-post on their sites.

More recent articles, as you release these sites every week, the more targeted traffic your Adsense site will receive. This is actually one of the most effective ways of making money consistently from Adsense clicks. One reason for this is that targeted traffic, as a rule, spend more time on your site or sites, and the more time they spend, the more likely that they will be one button one Adsense ads posted there.

c) ways to make money from Adsense with the help of the articles, as well as viral marketing site

Any online marketing technique that involves the transfer of viral marketing, or marketing automatically has a huge chance of success. The net is ideal for viral marketing, and in fact gives any viral marketing enormous leverage. Viral marketing or marketing direction is one of the most effective ways to make money online. Just ask Bill Gates.

When Gates was trying to play catch up on the Internet after the earlier mistake to underestimate the importance of the future network, he began his Hotmail free email service when rivals like Yahoo has millions of users. He decided to use a simple transfer of marketing technology. Each message is Hotmail, which has had a brief signature at the end requesting the recipient to sign up for their free Hotmail account. Within a few months, Hotmail had millions of users. There are also many other wonderful stories that viral marketing can not brag on the net.

There is one of the easiest ways to earn money with Adsense, going viral. Subscribe to the leading viral marketing site. You will automatically receive your viral site. You can use some of your articles point people to your viral site. The way these sites work is that someone signs that your site will visit your site Adsense, if you register on the site. So within a very short time you will be driving thousands of visitors to your site Adsense.

Find more information about this in his blog, whose address can be found in the resource box below.

True, this traffic is less targeted. Nevertheless, huge potential and possible numbers can be obtained by using this free tool does more than that.

d) the way that money from Adsense e-mail signature

People greatly underestimate the power and potential effectiveness of a simple electronic signature as a way to make money online. In fact, this viral marketing method because it sent a letter to get all the time, and even copied to several other people sometimes.

Do not waste another minute. Go to all your email accounts right now and create a signature that points to your Adsense site or sites.

Writing Effective communication is the skill of the signatures that you need to develop, but I found that using famous quotes is more effective than straight advertising message. Always remember that people hate to be advertised online.

e) how to make money with Adsense, questions for discussion groups

I recently had an interesting conversation with a young Internet and computer techie. He asked me whether there are ways to quickly earn money online, answering technical questions and assist people in coping with their computer and internet related problems. My answer is that there are many discussion groups where participants would get these answers for free. I told him that he had more chances to make money with this free advice available online, rather than trying to sell his own advice.

There are tons of online discussion groups where leading world experts will answer your questions and provide you with valuable information for free. It is amazing why most people do not believe that the use of these online forums to find out how they can be the most effective ways to make money with AdSense.

These forums can easily be found through you favorite search engine.

f) the way that money from Adsense By Bartering your skills for your valuable Adsense keywords

In the old days, before the invention of money, if someone should be, the first question they asked themselves was, "What is it that I have that I can exchange for what I need? Barter appears to have been forgotten, but it is a very powerful method of trading. Moreover in the network, where people have enough skills, but slow to trust others, to send them money for the item they need.

You can barter it is you, your skills, products or services, and exchange them for genuine valuable Adsense keywords. Valuable Adsense keywords are the most effective means for a small site with low traffic to earn big money in AdSense. And you can do this barter trade on an ongoing basis, so you always have a constant supply of valuable Adsense keywords which you can use on your website or blog, as a way to earn more money from AdSense.

d) ways to make money with Adsense, sending teaser sent

To all in the inbox, as well as your Opt-in List
Most of us receive tons of mail in our inbox every day. You'll be surprised by the overwhelming number of people you know, just passing through your mailbox. Regardless of how good your spam filters, you also have to get more than your fare share of spam and unwanted messages. All of this "gold" lying in your mailbox and e-mail There are ways to earn money through these letters. All you need to do to handle the e-mail in the form of pure gold is to send a "teaser message on the most interesting aspects of the content on your site. In general, the purpose of teaser emails is to get people to visit your site. For example, If I was to send a teaser message on the content here is how I would like to build it;

Subject: Free money currently used to increase Adsense earnings


You may be interested in this matter, because so many people online use Adsense these days. If not, please accept my sincere apologies. Details on my website.

WWW. Your website address. com


I am sure I could write an even more effective teaser mail. It would be better to have a different message for your close friends, one for business contacts and one for those nasty guys SPAMMING you.

These are just some of the many creative ways to make money with AdSense.

Tanggung amat bay! Lanjut dong....

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